Healthier Light in Hospitals

Healthcare light and full dynamic circadian lighting


Individual adjustment. Healthcare light and Full circadian lighting can be customised to all surgical functions. We help the staff to realise their full potential by unique customising of lighting functions that enhance contrasts on x-rays, ultra sound, and monitors. We create the best possible visible conditions by e.g. laparoscopy and venflon.



Healthcare light and full dynamic circadian lighting can be adjusted both manually and automatically according to work postures and type of operations. There are 9 adjustments in total of the light. The range of colours consist of variable grades of amongst others green, red, blue, magenta, soft, and daylight. The lighting can be customised to the staff´s individual needs.

Healthcare lighting in the operating room

Healthcare lighting with paediatric and surgical lighting function in the individual operation rooms are implemented on behalf of existing knowledge and the staff´s needs analysis. The needs analysis contains visual, physical, and productive lighting needs for the specific work postures which are done.


Optimising the vision is the most important task for lighting in connection with operation rooms. Healthcare lighting create a lighting which is anti-dazzle and without shadows. It has a perfect visual transition from the bed and the rest of the surroundings.




Healthcare hospital lighting can be customised all functions amongst others:

  • Laparoscopy light, where the light is adjusted so it gives the surgeon the best possible visual comfort at the monitors.
  • Venflon light, where the combination of the colours is adjusted so it´s easier to see veins.
  • Anaesthesia light, where there is full colour rendering during the operation.

Scanner rooms

Healthcare lighting in scanner rooms contribute to help the staff to easier identify critical elements on the scanning photos. It can help minimise the risk of missing factors that can be essential in treatment of the patient. LIGHTCARE lighting has following advantages in connection to scanner rooms:


  • Prevents reflection of screens and monitors
  • Optimises the image quality
  • Provides better visibility and highlight details
  • Provides better precision and better results
  • Increases well-being and reduces fatigue
  • Increases the safety for patients


Intensive care units

Shift work is a natural part of modern intensive care units. Studies have shown that shift work has different impacts on the health. It means e.g. fatigue, bad sleep, and metabolic irregularities.


One of the causes to the connection between shift work and health problems is irregularities in the production of melatonin, which regulates human´s circadian rhythm. Melatonin production will normally be low in the day and high in the evening/at night. By work in regular light in the evening/at night the melatonin level will be subdued, and you will experience various sleep problems.


 Solutions from LIGHTCARE include all the colour ranges which makes it possible to produce a red light at night which even out the production of melatonin. From different projects people working in the red light have been asked and they are more than satisfied and find the lighting very comfortable.


 Some of the most critical patients are in the intensive care units. Focus on the individual needs in the patient´s environment has shown to increase the general well-being, speed up the healing process, and reduce trauma induced side effects. Green and warm yellow/red colours can be pre-programmed or programmed individually to the specific environments.




Healing environment

Nursing lighting from LIGHTCARE is an optimal solution for the lighting on future bed rooms. The light in the bed rooms of the hospital play an important role in the healing process. Hospital patients use less painkillers and recover quicker when there are in rooms with sunlight. With full dynamic circadian lighting you create a lighting that follows the natural rhythm. The artificial daylight has a positive impact on the mood.


With full dynamic circadian lighting is created a light that follows the natural circadian rhythm. The artificial daylight has a positive impact on the mood. Research show that bed rooms with the right amount of daylight reduce the use of painkillers.



Lighting in control rooms

Attractive working conditions

Staff that have their daily routine in guard rooms will be the help of full circadian lighting obtain a more comfortable and attractive working environment. With light supporting the daily routine the staff can avoid interference of the daily cycle, which can help minimise the risk of stress, depression, and chronical diseases which can be tied to working at night.


 In the guard rooms the staff have the advantages while they can control the lighting in different areas, individual needs with patients can thereby be regulated across living rooms. In this way you can show consideration for light sensitive patients by regulating the light which can be done in intervals.


By depressive patients the light can be installed like a therapy light where the light boosts from 7am-2pm so the patient receives correct dosed light. Later the light will change to full circadian lighting and the switches in the room can be turned on/off according to the needs of the staff.




Circadian lighting and coloured lighting

Light scenarios in common areas consist of a natural circadian rhythm lighting which creates pleasant and calm surroundings.


The light can help to influence the satisfaction of the patient. The pleasant warm white light is helping to create optimal conditions for the patients reading magazines or using smartphones.


Coloured lighting can be used on walls and create more evocative surroundings.



Bed and examination lighting – PULSE LAMP

The bed and examination lamp “PULSE” from LIGHTCARE is developed in co-operation with nurses and surgeons from The University Hospital in Odense. The examination lamp is developed based on the needs of nurses combined with the latest research.


The newest technology makes it possible to create an examination lamp that through different lighting scenarios helps the nurse in different situations. The nurses of Odense University Hospital are exceptional happy with the luminaire in situation where veins must be visible.




Contact INFO:
Tlf. +45 88 32 00 77

Vrøndingvej 7, 8700 Horsens

Naverland 2, 2600 Glostrup

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The overriding purpose of the concept is CARE, which formS the basis of all our solutions and services

Individuel tilpasning. Healthcare lys og FULDDYNAMISK DØGNRYTMELYS kan tilpasses samtlige kirurgiske funktioner. Vi hjælper personalet med at realisere deres fulde potentiale, ved unik tilpasning af lysfunktioner der fremhæver kontraster på røntgen, ultralyd og monitorer. Vi skaber de bedst mulige synsforhold ved blandt andet laparoskopi og venflon.


Healthcare lys og FULDDYNAMISK DØGNRYTMELYS kan justeres både manuelt og automatisk efter arbejdsstillinger og type af operation. Der er i alt ni indstillinger af lyset. Farveskalaerne indeholder varierende grader af blandt andet grønt-, rødt-, blåt-, magenta-, blødt- og dagslys. Lyset kan justeres til personalets individuelle behov.


Sundere lys på hospitaler

healtcare lys og fulddynamisk døgnrytmelys


Individuel tilpasning. Healthcare lys og FULDDYNAMISK DØGNRYTMELYS kan tilpasses samtlige kirurgiske funktioner. Vi hjælper personalet med at realisere deres fulde potentiale, ved unik tilpasning af lysfunktioner der fremhæver kontraster på røntgen, ultralyd og monitorer. Vi skaber de bedst mulige synsforhold ved blandt andet laparoskopi og venflon.


Healthcare lys og FULDDYNAMISK DØGNRYTMELYS kan justeres både manuelt og automatisk efter arbejdsstillinger og type af operation. Der er i alt ni indstillinger af lyset. Farveskalaerne indeholder varierende grader af blandt andet grønt-, rødt-, blåt-, magenta-, blødt- og dagslys. Lyset kan justeres til personalets individuelle behov.


Sundere lys på hospitaler

healtcare lys og fulddynamisk døgnrytmelys


Individuel tilpasning. Healthcare lys og FULDDYNAMISK DØGNRYTMELYS kan tilpasses samtlige kirurgiske funktioner. Vi hjælper personalet med at realisere deres fulde potentiale, ved unik tilpasning af lysfunktioner der fremhæver kontraster på røntgen, ultralyd og monitorer. Vi skaber de bedst mulige synsforhold ved blandt andet laparoskopi og venflon.


Healthcare lys og FULDDYNAMISK DØGNRYTMELYS kan justeres både manuelt og automatisk efter arbejdsstillinger og type af operation. Der er i alt ni indstillinger af lyset. Farveskalaerne indeholder varierende grader af blandt andet grønt-, rødt-, blåt-, magenta-, blødt- og dagslys. Lyset kan justeres til personalets individuelle behov.