Kastaniehaven, Give
Full dynamic circadian lighting and calming scenarios
After a study visit at the research project Ceres dementia centre in Horsens, Emma Winter (leader of the nursing home) and 10 colleagues from the nursing home Kastanjehaven agreed to invest in full dynamic circadian lighting in one of the corridors as well as the dining and common areas.
The installation consists of architectonic suspended and surface mounted BASIC lamps with full dynamic circadian lighting and customised light scenarios, which was requested by the employees. Lightcare helped by giving advice to which scenarios and colour combinations researchers all around the world have found well-suited for dementia sections and what other nursing homes have found attractive as well as combining unique wishes and demands in the nursing home “Kastanjehaven”.
The fully automatic full dynamic circadian lighting is validated by scientists and modified by the feedback from the employees. It includes scenarios for relaxing in the tv-room in a greenish tone as well as free-from-blue night light, so the residents maintain a stable circadian rhythm and sleep pattern, while the staff can do their evening and night tasks.
The solution was CARE-COMPLETE which includes: Tuneable white, red, green, and blue LED which among other things can make lighting scenarios varying from candle light to blue sky (1.200K-12.000K), therapy boost, calming sensory and snoezel scenarios by means of the 16,7 million colour combinations. It all comes with a user-friendly touchscreen universe with the possibility for operation and over-steering via press several places in the nursing home. Everything done in co-operation with the local electrician “Pagaard el”.
Contact INFO:
Tlf. +45 88 32 00 77
Vrøndingvej 7, 8700 Horsens
Naverland 2, 2600 Glostrup
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